Thursday, August 30, 2012

Pixie Goes To School

Hi Everyone!
It is Thursday and that means a new challenge over Pixie Dust Studio. Today's challenge is
BACK TO SCHOOL. For some of you this is a good thing, others don't like it at all. For me there is no difference as my children are all grown, although my husband and oldest daughter both work in the school system so they may be sad haha!

Here is my card for today:

I used the Pixie Dust Stamp called Miss Britney, which is fun because my daughter's name is Brittany. Same thing different spelling. She is a cutie, both the stamp and my daughter lol!

I colored her with copics. Love the cute little ruler. I hope you will get your school spirit on and join me in this challenge. Also check out the other challenge team member's creations and you will be inspired to do something of your own.

I am entering her in the following challenges:

Simon Says Stamp:  anything goes.
Fussy and Fancy Friday:  Back to school
Lollipop Crafts:  Back to school
Paper Pretties Monday challenge:  Back to school.

Thanks for dropping by.


Sunday, August 26, 2012

Patterned Papers

Hello Everyone,

Hope you are all doing well. I am doing wonderfully. Cannot believe summer is quickly coming to an end though, why does it go by so fast and yet winter lingers on and on hahaha!

For my post today we have a new challenge over at Whoopsi Daisy Challenge. But before I get to that I want to tell you about this exciting CD you can purchase, did you see the launch of the new Daisy & Friends at Christmas CD by Joanna Sheen on Create and Craft.  It's full of Lynn Carter's (Linnie to you and me) fab Whoopsi Daisy Images.

You can get yours here! 
For this weeks challenge it is use at least Two Patterned Papers! Goodness how simple is that, come on we know you have at least 1000 patterned papers waiting to be used, well at least I do lol!
Now for my card I used this adorable image which you can purchase here. It comes with three other images on one full sheet. They are a pleasure to color. I used Copic markers to color mine. The sentiment is a rubber stamp from Catslife Press.  I used a bit of Stickles on the snow and here sweet hat and coat trim. 

I hope you will go check out the CD and other DT members cards as they are all delightful! So go on and break into that patterned paper!



Thursday, August 23, 2012


Good Morning,

Today at Pixie Dust Studio we have a new challenge going on, it is Food! So lets see your great creations involving food. What a great idea, who does not like to eat?

For my card I went with the apple theme, since fall is fast approaching and we love to go apple picking.

How sweet is this little Pixie Dust creation? Check out her hat, I love it.

I hope you will take a quick peek at what the other Challenge Team members have created, then go and create something of your own!

I am entering this card in the following challenges:

The Crazy challenge :  anything goes.
Lollipop Crafts: Anything goes
Craft your days away:  Anything goes...this is their last challenge :(


Sunday, August 19, 2012

Nice Surprise

Hi Everyone,
Hope all is well. I am doing fine, still getting organized but almost there. I had a very pleasant surprise this weekend. My blogging friend Alice from Alice Brown Creations is a sweetheart and always leaves such great comments on my blog. Well she informed me yesterday that I was featured at Sassy Studio Studio, Sassy Saturday Spotlight! I am so glad you told me Alice as I worked yesterday and did not have time to be on the computer until last night.

Go on and check this site out. It was for my Diva card which I had done a while ago. So thank you Alice and thank you Sassy Studio! This was a very pleasant surprise!



Saturday, August 18, 2012

Wedding and Anniversary

Good Morning Friends,

 I know you probably thought I was missing in action but it has been a very busy few weeks. I apologize to those of you who I have not commmented on in a while. After my vacation to Aruba, my brother and his family came to stay with me because we were celebrating my Dad's 80th Birthday.
It was a wonderful surprise for my dad and I so enjoyed seeing my brother and his family. during all of this I could not take a lot of time off from work as my job is fairly new and I already took vacation time. So needless to say, I have been a bit behind in my card making and commenting, not to mention my housework hahaha!

So today at Sweet Stampin' the challenge is Wedding and Anniversary cards. My card is a CAS card as it saved me time. It is one of my first attempts at doodling, it is not that great but with practice I am sure I will get the hang of it.

We have two great sponsors this week. Our monthly sponsor Joanna Sheen is giving away a voucher.

Our weekly sponsor this week is Whimsy Stamps who is giving away 5 digis. How great is that. 

So for my card I used a rubber stamp from The Artful Stamper. I colored with a bit of copics and added some stickles. Not real fancy but I think the point is taken haha.

I hope you will stop by Sweet Stampin' and check out what the other DT members have created. They are are amazing.

Thank you for stopping by and being so patient while I try and get my act together!!!

You guys are the best.


Thursday, August 9, 2012

Grandma's attic

Good morning friends!

 Hope you are all well. I have had a busy week, trying to catch up after my vacation. Of course on my way out to run some errands yesterday, I got a flat tire, and of course I forgot to bring my cell phone with me, thank goodness for Onstar. Then I found out, my car does not come with a spare tire, seriously who does that? They included an air pump but no tire! Oh well that is my luck, but 3 hours later and one tow to the dealer, I got a new tire and we are back in business haha!

So today we have a new challenge at Pixie Dust Studio , it is Grandma's Attic! We want to see your vintage cards. I remember when I was little, my next door neighbor used to take me with them to their grandmothers, she did not have an attic, but a basement that was full of treasures. I used to love going down their to play with all that good stuff.

So for my card, I colored her with Copics of course. Used a great punch I got on clearance from EK success for the photo corners. I think she is quite sweet!

I hope you will get out your distressing tools, lace, or vintage papers and create something fun with us. Please go check out the other Design Team members creations, they are a talented bunch.

I am entering this in the following challenges:

Creative Inspirations: anything goes.

Thanks for stopping by, I hope you have a great weekend!


Monday, August 6, 2012

I am back!!

Hello Everyone,

I made it back from my vacation a lot happier, more rested and possibly a pound or two heavier hehe!
Aruba is beautiful, I will miss this view every day.

That is what we saw from our balcony! Love it, the most beautiful sunsets. Oh well back to reality.

Today I have a card for you that I made for a fellow blogger. It was her birthday and I thought this was approprioate from one crafter to another! This stamp is from Loralie Designs called Sassy Stamper, I love her. I hope my friend Sarah loved her too! 

I colored her with copics. I used Memory Box Dies for the border and flowers.

I am entering her in the following challenges:

Two Sisters Challenge:  anything goes
Love to Create Challenge:  Punches and Dies.

Thanks for stopping by and I will be around commenting on your blogs this week, as I have a whole week to make up for! 




 Hello my friends, Hope all is well with everyone and that you have some craft time! Today I am sharing a card which is a bit different for ...