Sunday, January 20, 2013


Hi everyone,

Thank you to all of you who entered my giveaway. I do have a winner and I did use the random number generator, but unfortunately I cannot figure out how to get that on to my blog and of course my computer brilliant daughter is out tonight.

So you are going to have to trust me that it was #10 and that comment belongs to Mixamatoasties (Susan) So congrats Susan you are the winner, if you email me with your address I will get this out to you!



An Occasional Genius said...

Aww, congratulations Susan!! xx

Natali said...

Woo Hoo!! Congratulations Susan!!!!

mixamatoasties said...

:) How exciting - I've emailed you through the link on your profile page, hope you get it. Let me know if you don't!

Susan xx


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