Sunday, May 6, 2012

Birthday Mom

Happy Sunday,

Cannot believe the weekend is almost over. I did have a little fun shopping this weekend and made a few cards, getting ahead on my Design Team Cards.

This card I made just for fun. I just like this image. It is from Kenny K. The paper is from TPC Studio called So delish. I also used some from Echo Park Dots and Stripes.

Short and sweet for me today. I am off to make some cards I need for next month, busy time of year!

I am entering this card in the following challenge:

C.R.A.F.T. : buttons 

Glad you could drop by! Take care. Thanks


mixamatoasties said...

Wow, your colouring is just fab.

I was intending having a wee crafty play tonight too but I seem to be sitting on the laptop. Again :)

Susan x

Wishcraft said...

Fab card Kim! Love that image and love how you've coloured her too - gorgeous :o) Hugs, Lisa x

Sheryl said...

Oh Kim I know what you mean about the weekend flying by! There just isn't enough crafting time. I love the colours DP and details and that fab image is coloured so expertly.
Good to see you at CRAFT this week.
Hope we see you again soon.
Sheryl (DT) xx

Scrappin Sista said...

I love this card Kim!! Your creativity ROCKS!!

Sylvia x said...

Stunning card...thanks for joining us at CRAFT challenges

Sylvia xx

The Purple Loft Creations said...

Not sure how I missed this one but AWESOME!Love your coloring on this image.


Hello Everyone, Here is a new fun card using Chihuahuas from La La Land Crafts. I colored them up using Copics. The guacamole, chips and wor...